Monday 15 March 2010

Re-shoot film club

After deciding to re-film in Film club we set about organising the room. We decided we would set up the room in a traditional format of arranging the chairs and tables in 3 lines. Then we spoke to the students and told them were to sit in the room. After filming them sitting down in one location, we asked them to move to another sit and then filmed them doing this including the movements around the room. We left the camera in a high angle and long shot so that we could see the entire students move around the room. We repeated this several times before we felt we had enough footage. Following on from this we decided that we were going to film the students from the same shot sitting down one at a time so that when we play the selection of shots backwards it will look as though the students have ‘gone away’ as the lyrics suggest. Once again from the long shot and high angle we filmed the students sitting down at the tables. But this time we had Sheriece and Stacey, who are the lead singers, appear next to the students messing around and having a laugh, trying to reconstruct the persona of the band, which is that they are crazy, which is referenced in our music video but not fully shown to the audience as the peer feedback stated.

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