Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Another way in which my media product challenges conventions of the Ska genre is through the image of the band. This is because although there have been female members of Ska bands before, such as with the Skalars, there the genre has never featured women on a mass scale due to the dominant presence of males. Therefore, we tried to break this idea by using an all female band within the 2-Tone Ska genre. This would modernise the genre and continue to break conventions as it is expected for a male band to feature with that style of music. This breaking of conventions through female artists relates to the bright colours as women are often stereotyped to prefer the ‘feminine’ colour of pink and purple that feature in my music video and ancillary task. This is developing conventions of the genre because it features an all female Ska band that would inspire others to do the same and completely re-shape the image of the genre, reforming it.

1 comment:

  1. Photos of the 'band' would work well with these entries Tom...
