Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation :How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The idea of a digital pack features both a music video and ancillary tasks that all revolve around the band and their image. The combination of the two is difficult to achieve, however, through the creation of the music video prior to the ancillary tasks, I have created many ideas that could feature as the image or the symbol of the media package. Firstly, within the music video the idea of female artists helped create a starting point for the ancillary tasks as I had to portray the fact they are female, because that is the image of the band. Doing this helped combine the music video with the ancillary task because it linked the fact that the band are female with the music video and the work they are doing, to the publishing, which was effectively what the ancillary tasks were doing. It was important to combine the idea of the band being female within the music video and the ancillary tasks because it creates a message that the band takes risk. This combination is effective as it shows the band is willing to take risks and is also effective because it demonstrates the bands philosophy of being different and not caring, which has also been captured through the music video and ancillary tasks in a different way, the use of colour.

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