Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation :How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Another way in which the media package has combined effectively to create the image of the band is through the themes within the music video. For instance, I carried on the theme of the chequered squares in the ancillary tasks with a chessboard on the back of the DVD cover. Another theme that was carried through from the music video was the idea of shadows. The idea of using shadows in the music video and the ancillary tasks is that it connotes that the band has modernised the genre to the point where it is only a shadow of the past. However, I have not developed the idea so much that it reached the point where the music was also a shadow of the genre and that the band have created an entire new genre. This is an example of excellent and effective combination of the music video and ancillary tasks. This is because I have used the idea of shadows in both the music video and ancillary task to show that it was not just a random idea in the music video, but a symbol of the modern Ska band that still plays the same style of music. This was shown simply through the combination of the music video and ancillary task, not just through the shadows, but also through the female band and through the use of colour. Overall, my main product has effectively combined the music video and ancillary tasks.

1 comment:

  1. It would be a good idea to post a specific section / clip from your music vid - with an element of your ancillary task to show how you have blended design elements between the two - to work as a complete package.

