Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

There are several ways in which my media product challenges as well as develop conventions of real media products. Firstly, my media product challenges conventions of the Ska genre through the use of bright colours. This challenges the conventions because traditional forms and conventions of the Ska genre, specifically 2-Tone Ska, do not use bright colours and continuously keep to a black and white colour trend. Although colour is used, we developed the idea by adding more colour to exaggerate the idea and show how our band is modernising the genre away from its old roots, so that it will appeal to a modern audience dominated by mass genres such as popular music.

1 comment:

  1. Images PLEASE!! Show some examples from both your work, and other Ska bands to demonstrate how yours 'challenges and develops' conventions. It would be a good idea to compare and contrast your photoshop work to other Ska CD cover designs (for example).

