Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation :How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

This philosophy of being different has been portrayed through the use of colour. This is because the Ska genre typically does not use a great deal of colour and focuses rather on the music than the image of the band. We showed this but through the use of the colour. Using bright colour is in our music video and ancillary tasks have reinforced the idea that the band is all female and it suggests that the band is more interested in the image rather than the music. This is what we wanted to create through effectively combining to use of colour in the media package. This combination is effective because when they see the band and its image they see it is modern compared to other bands of the same genre, however, through the same package we have exaggerated the idea of colour and feminism to the point where the band are ridiculing critics and conservatives of the genre for judging them on being femine and the stereotypes related. This combination of colour has therefore proved to be effective in creating the image of the band in a different and unexpected way.

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