Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Another improvement that was offered from the target audience was related to the depth of shots. This is because they enjoyed the shots featuring the instruments being played and the literal meanings of the lyrics, but felt they were lacking in comparison to the amount of the video that was made up of the recording studio. This was a very important comment as we felt our video was lacking substance but did not know what it was lacking, until the audience feedback. This is very significant because it is an opinion that has been shared with others when we have received audience feedback. Overall, from our audience feedback session, we have discovered that we have targeted our audience effectively due to the use of bright colours and effects highlighted by the audience, but need to improve the variety of the music video as some of the shots last too long and become boring. Therefore, we have learnt what needs to be done to improve our music video from the audience feedback.

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