Tuesday 23 February 2010

Research and Planning: CD covers

This CD cover inspired me in my planning for the ancillary tasks because the lack of colour highlighted the need for new modern Ska bands to express themselves. It also helped highlight the attraction needed for the target audience, therefore I knew I had to use lots of colour much like with the music video.

Another CD cover that inspired me were the ones completed by past students. Although their work was not professional the ideas were based on research from professional covers, and the idea of using recurring themes from the video link the package together effectively. This was evident through professional music videos and packages that use a recurring theme or symbol, and therefore I wanted to stick with this convention.

In this example Jay Zs cover uses the idea of the three red stripes, which is featured in the rest of the media package as a symbol for the album and the artist. Although in my case I do not have a particular symbol to use, I could use ideas in my music video such as chequered squares or the jig saw pieces.

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