Tuesday 23 February 2010

Research and Planning: Digital Pack 1

I began creating the idea for my music video’s DVD front and back cover. I focused my idea around the idea of chequered squares and jig saw pieces. I felt that these were the more effective parts of the music video as they stood out against the band playing and the stop animation. However, I did not believe that this was enough for either the front over or back cover. So I also went with the idea that our band was breaking conventions of Tone Ska because in our music video we did not only use black and white but used an effect called colour corrector so that the colour on the screen changed constantly. This breaking of conventions is important and needed to be portrayed in the DVD cover as well as the music video.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any early sketches, or images that influenced you? You should post images here to accompany your text.

