Tuesday 23 February 2010

Digital Pack 5

In this lesson I spent time finishing the title at the beginning by mirroring the title so that it looks like a reflection. I did this by using the same method of the magic wand and the paint bucket tool, but instead of making each square black, I added colour to the title by using a mixture of several colours. This was done as I wanted to use the addition of colour as a symbol of how modern our band is relative to the Ska genre, by showing we are breaking conventions.

After I completed the title I began working on the foreground for my front cover. I decided to use the idea I had designed originally of the images of shadows by I decided to contrast the shadows and the black title, with the colourful title and brighter images. This contrast of colour would also help convey that our band is breaking conventions showing that it is a modern band by breaking the idea of 2 Tone Ska being black and white.

I created the foreground by using 2 images. The first image was of Sheriece and the other was of Stacey. With the first image I duplicated the layer and used the original layer and flipped it horizontally. This was so that the images were both on the correct plane relative to the title. I did the same method with the second image however after duplicating the image three times I flipped two versions of the image. This was so that two images were next to the first image making the framing of the foreground excellent.

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