Tuesday 23 February 2010

Digital pack 13

This time I decided to start work on the advert as I had yet to start work on it. I did this by beginning with the title of the band. Firstly I needed a font and thus went to the website daFont. Having selected the font I was going to use I created a text box on my blank canvas and created the title of the advert.

After creating the title I began work on the background for the advert. I did this by looking at the gradients of the pattern designs. The gradient I was most interested by was the radial one. This was because when I experimented with the colours, the black and white colours created a target in the centre of the canvas. Although this was not linked to my original idea for the advert, my new idea for my advert was more related to the idea of the band being ‘mad’.

The new idea that I had created was that the band would stand on a wall in front of the target as if they are human targets. This would then connote that they are targets of the media at first because they are breaking conventions. However, since the artists would be standing on the wall it shows that they will take the criticism and prove to everyone that they are modern artists.

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