Monday 2 November 2009

Re-shoot in the recording studio

We completed a re-shoot in the recording studio because the work we had prior to this in the recording studio had unsuitable shots as w could not see the lead singers face for the most part. This is not good for a music video because a music video is supposed to promote the music of he band as well as the band itself.If we can not see who their artists are then the audience for the music video have not been reached and the music video has not met its criteria to publicize the band.

We also felt that the singer could be animated more because the shots, despite more effective angles (high an low) and shot distances (close and long), were lacking excitement and flair. Therefore, whilst we filmed we had the lead singer dance more effectively as well as appearing as though she is enjoying singing the song. This was effective as it made these shot sin the music video appear more realist as t made the artist appear passionate about the music.

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