Saturday 26 September 2009

Filming: Recording Studio

We decided to begin filming our video in the recording studio. We had to ask for assistance from Mr Winters as we could not gain entry to the studio, but once we were in, we filmed Sheriece and Stacey singing from three different shots, as well as using a handheld camera to get a panning shot like there are in all music videos.

Other shots that we used where high angle shots, close-ups, long shots and over the shoulder shots. The reason we chose a variety of shots to film whilst the artists performed, was because it would mean when it came to editing we would have more shots to cut from and introduce a pace or tempo to the video that would suit the music.

The shot types that worked were the close-ups and high angle shots as they gave status and power to the singers, which is important in establishing a relationship between the audience and the artists. On the other hand, the over the shoulder shot did not work because we could not see the artists face during the recording and therefore did not help establish the relationship between the audience and artists.


  1. What shots did you use? Why?


  2. Again, Tom, you should come back to these entries and add more detail to them. See Ms Cunliffe's advice above.
    Do you have any photos you took when thinking about possible locations? You could scan these in with comments about your choices.

