Saturday 26 September 2009

Filming: Playground and Establishing Shot

When we decided to film this time, we filmed the part of the song where we had the ball bounce across the screen. This was challenging as it limited the shot types that we could produce. So we came up with the idea of the ball bouncing over the camera, but this itself created many problems, mainly of not being in the shot properly as well as having the person who is throwing the ball in shot as well.

At the end we filmed and establishing shot of the sign of the school as we intend of changing the words to another school name to make the video see more original. This would be done on the Mac computers.

Filming: Recording Studio

In the recording studio we continued to film, but this time we filmed the technical equipment and a few shots of Sheriece and Stacy singing. The main focus this time was to record the two of them singing so that we could use their voice as the lead singer and break conventions of the genre by having a female band member, who is the vocalist.

Filming: Recording Studio

We decided to begin filming our video in the recording studio. We had to ask for assistance from Mr Winters as we could not gain entry to the studio, but once we were in, we filmed Sheriece and Stacey singing from three different shots, as well as using a handheld camera to get a panning shot like there are in all music videos.

Other shots that we used where high angle shots, close-ups, long shots and over the shoulder shots. The reason we chose a variety of shots to film whilst the artists performed, was because it would mean when it came to editing we would have more shots to cut from and introduce a pace or tempo to the video that would suit the music.

The shot types that worked were the close-ups and high angle shots as they gave status and power to the singers, which is important in establishing a relationship between the audience and the artists. On the other hand, the over the shoulder shot did not work because we could not see the artists face during the recording and therefore did not help establish the relationship between the audience and artists.

Planning: Shooting Schedule

I created the shooting schedule where we planned to film on particular days based on hen people were free and that locations were available for use. Flexibility was the key issue to remember.

Planning-Location Shots

I took some photos of locations where we could film the music video. This proved to be a helpful process as when it came to the shooting schedule we knew what we wanted to film and where due to the planning of what some locations would look like on camera with natural lighting.

Planning: Storyboarding

My group and I completely finished the storyboards after we finished the timing and edit for each frame. We finished the timing for each frame by listening to the song and reading what happened in each frame and using that to determine the length of each frame in comparison to the timing of the song.

Planning: Storyboarding

We carried on colouring and drawing before finsihing the storybaord. Once we had done that we continued to write the timing of the song and the edit for each frame.

Planning: Storyboarding

We carried on storyboarding but we only had to finish the drawings and colour in so we split the the work having two members colour the drawings that had been done, and the other two drawing for the frames that did not have any drawings.

Planning: Storyboarding

For one section of the storyboard where the chrous was, we had not come up with an idea for it. So we came up with the idea of filming the band playing in a recording studio as it is a typical convention for music videos. We also finished storyboadring all the frames ideas and shot types, along with most of the pictures for the frames and some colouring done.

Planning: Storyboarding

We carried on editing our storyboards passing the designated 50 frames. However, We had not finished all the frames as we still had to colour and finsih all the drawings for the storybaord. This was along with the edit and timing for all the frames.

Planning: Storyboarding

We continued storyboarding by writing and drawing the ideas we came up with. A new idea that we came up with was for part of the chorus. The idea was that there would be a jigsaw that was being out together by the lead singer, and once the puzzle was complete, the camera would then track in and create a transition to the image of the band that was created, showing the band from that moment playing live.

Planning: Storyboarding

We started storyboarding our ideas and found that during the intro, before the lyrcis begin, that we could show an establishing shot of the school to set the location for the music video. We also came up with the idea that since the the song was 2 tone Ska, we decided to contrast the black and white during the intro with the colours throughout the rest of the video.

Planning: Lyrics Annotation

For the last verse of the song we decided to create a collage of footage based on what the particular line said. However, the shots would come very quickly to match the tempo of the song much like Bordwell and Thomposn's theory (rythmic). For example for the line 'Playing football after dark would be short footage of some children playing football at night.

Planning: Lyrics Annotation

Having annotated the choruses of our song, we decided to annotate the second verse. We felt that this would be appropriate as we may be able to create ideas for the second verse that could come from a natural transition of an idea from earlier in the song. One of the ideas that we came up with for the second verse was for the line 'Sits alone and bends his cane'. The idea for this line was that the teacher would be filmed sitting in his chair facing the television. The camera would be positioned behind the televisions, before panning around to show an over the shoulder shot of the television. However, the screen would be blurred out and the camera would then track towards a tape next to the television that would say something similar to 'How to cane?'. this would reinforce the idea of humour in our music video.

Planning: Lyrics Annotation

We continued to annotate the lyrics for our music video and song, Baggy Trousers. This time we looked at the chorus of the song and decided that for the chorus we would show the band playing in different ways. This is because the chorus gave us no opportunity to use Goodwin's theory of illustration. Therefore, we decided on using the band as bands and songs are most famous for their choruses. One of the ideas we came up with, was to not actually use the band for one of the choruses. This is because we liked the idea of Ska being a strange and peculiar genre of music. Therefore we wanted to represent this in our video by having the instruments playing themselves.

Planning: Lyrics Annotation

I printed out the lyrics of the song Baggy Trousers so that my group and I could annotate the lyrics in order to create ideas for our music video, using the lyrics and Goodwin's theory of illustration as a foundation for our video. One of the ideas we came up with was for the first verse. This is because the line 'Naughty boys in nasty schools', gave us an oppurtunity to create humour, which Ska music videos use frequentley. Therefore, we came up with the idea of students in wheely chairs racing down the corridor of the school, before the headteacher joins in for the next line. We felt that this would be suitable because no headteacher would join in, in an event like that, which would create the humour.

Research and Planning the target audeince

The target audience we decided to chose came from the research into the genre and the song we were going to use. We decided that our target audience would be female teenagers aged 13-14. The reason for this was because having seen Ska music videos and bands, none of them consisted of all female members. Therefore, we knew that using an all female band would attract younger teenagers especially females, very similar to the pop genre. Having chose this genre we knew we would have to accommodate for this audience within the music video as well and decided that colour and humour would be the best tools.

Research: Image of a Ska Band

I researched the image of a Ska band so that my group and I had an idication of how to dress the actors in our music video along with the way they style their hair. From the research I knew the way Ska bands dressed and understood that there is not a concurrent fashion trend within the genre, meaning that each band have their own image or style.

This research also gave me a more solid understanding of the target audience for our band instead of a band for the genre. This is because each band has their own style which will also have their own target audeince, meaning our band will have to target a different audience in comparison to other Ska bands.

Research: Ska music videos analysis

In this table I have analysed three music vdeios from the Ska genre. In the analysis I looked at different things that the video contained to deduce what the conventions are of a Ska music video so that I could porduce, along with my group, a music video for Baggy Trousers that fits the Ska genre.

Friday 25 September 2009

Research: Analysis of Ska music videos

This video is a music video that I analysed as research for my music video.

Planning: Permission

I emailed the record label Stiff Records in an attempt to gain permission to use the song baggy trousers in my music video. Here is the email sent

Research: Chosen Song

My group and I chose a song to create a music video for. We decided on the genre of Ska. This was because the questionnaires we had created showed us that the most popular genre in our group was Pop music and Indie music. Therefore we decided to go with a mix of the two, by choosing Ska music. This then led us to chose the Madness song of Baggy Trousers. We felt that this would a suitable song for a music video as we could follow Goodwin's theory of illustration. We also decided to break the conventions of the genre by using a lead female vocalist. This was done to make our video and band more unique and different.

Research: Music Video Analysis

This table shows the analysis of nine different music videos from three different genres of Rock, Indie and Metal. I did this to see what each genre of music contained in their music videos.

Research: Music Video Analysis

This is a music video that I analysed as part of my research for my music video.

Research: Music Video Analysis

This is a music video that I analysed as part of my research for my music video.

Research: Music Video Analysis

This is a music video by The Killers that I analysed as part of my research for my music video.

Research: Music Video Theories Applied

As part of the research for the music video we had to apply the music video theories we learnt about to a song by a particular artist. I was given a song by Jamiroquai to apply thes theoris to. My analysis is in the form of a powerpoint.