Tuesday 20 October 2009

Filming: Chroma Key

We filmed a section that we wanted to include into our music video by filming someone running in front of a white wall so that I could Chroma Key out the white wall and have the person running through all the other clips at specific moments in the music video. We filmed this in a long shot so that the person running is small and can easily be used at the bottom of clips, rather than having to use Final Cut to resize the image and risk losing the ratio of the clip. We encountered difficulties such as not being able to see the whole of the body of the person that was running. However, we countered it by filming on a smaller room deciding that we could crop the sides of to show the plain white wall.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Third Edit

In our third edit of the music video we re-constructed what we had completed in the last lesson before saving it. Afetr this we did not get more done as we encountered further problems such as slow speed on the computers.

Monday 12 October 2009

Second Edit

In this edit my group and I decided to edit the beginning again by keeping to the conventions of the Ska genre by using black and white checkered squares. We decided that this would be a good way to start the shot before they fade away to reveal the next shot. To do this we used super composition again. However, our efforts were in vain as the computer would not allow us to save our progress and our work that lesson became obsolete.

First Edit

In the first edit of our music video I began editing the first verse. I used super composition to show four bits of footage at the same time. I then made them appear at calculated moments in the video before disappearing in order to reveal the next shot. This was not only an interesting shot for the video, but also an interesting transition for the next shot.

Editing- Uploading

At this point we decided to upload all of our footage onto Final Cut so that we could see how much footage we had and how much more we needed.

Filming- 'Sits alone and bends his cane'

For this part of the music video we decided to film the actor playing the headteacher lounging around in a room eating sweets and breaking the conventions of what a headteacher would be expected to do in his office or when he is working. We decided that this would be a good idea as it breaks social conventions of headteachers as well as being juxtaposed to the lyrics of the song, creating more variety in the music video.

Filming- 'Naughty Boys in Nasty Schools'

We filmed the shots of the wheelie chairs again, but this time we had the required costumes for the shot and used them to film what needed to film. However, this time around we focused on using the fig rig more because we understood that the better shots were created using the fig rig. However, we did also use the other cameras because we knew that in a music video you need a variety of shot types and therefore filmed the events from different angles such as over the shoulder and high angle.

Filming- Practiced filming 'Naughty Boys in Nasty Schools'

At this point we did not have our costumes for this verse. However, instead of failing to utilise the time we had, we decided to practice filming for this verse. We decided that practicing filming on the wheelie chairs and using the fig rig along with other cameras would be an excellent opportunity to discover what angles and shot types would be suitable to use in our music video, in order to add variety to it. Some of the angles that worked were over the shoulder shots, but we found that the best shots that worked was when using the fig rig facing towards to person on the wheelie chair. We found that this showed the actual facial expressions of the actors as they went on the chair, rather than acted ones. This would give the music video an edge of reality.

Friday 2 October 2009

Filming- 'Lunch time bell will ring again'

For this section of the verse for our music video, we filmed an extreme close up of Sherice's eye because she is the lead singer for our band. We decided to use an extreme close up of her eye because we wanted to show the eye looking towards a bell as it rings and we knew that an extreme close up would embellish her eye movement's making them easier to notice on camera when played at high speeds. However, we encountered difficultites with filming this as after importing onto Final Cut and viewing that particular clip, we realised that in the reflection of Sherice's eye, the camera could be seen filming her. Therefore we will have to reshoot the shot or discard it and use something else to fill in the time.

Filming- 'Sits alone and bends his cane'

In this verse of the song, we decided to film in Mr. Hume's office. This was our desired location because he has one of the more tidy offices along with shutter blinds, which we knew could be used to create interesting shadows. We used establishing shots of his office to reveal more about the character of the headteacher, without revealing his identity. In his office we placed four notices on his wall to create the impression of the headteacher that would create humour. The notices said things like, 'How to Cane?' and 'People to Cane'. These were also created to illustrate humour in our music video.

Filming-'Smashing up the woodwork tools'

When we filmed this section of the music video, we filmed in the latest construction room of the new building. For this part we decided that we were going to vary our shot types and ideas by using a mid shot to film. However, we felt that this was a tedious shot type on its own, so we developed the shot by filming the tool (hammer) using stop motion. We felt that this would be an intersting shot type as we could then have the hammer moving on its own.